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  1. The flight numbers are OB777 and UX25. Which airports will I be using when flying from Madrid to Santa Cruz? From Madrid you will fly out from Barajas (MAD) and you will be landing at Santa Cruz (VVI).
  2. Boliviana de Aviacion international flight OB777 serves route Madrid to Santa Cruz. The flight departs approximately three times per week (Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday). Provided details are valid for the flight departing on 3rd February, 2021.
  3. Flight status, tracking, and historical data for Iberia 6117 (IB6117/IBE6117) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
  4. Flight OB777 / BOV777 - Boliviana de Aviacion - AirNav RadarBox Database - Live Flight Tracker, Status, History, Route, Replay, Status, Airports Arrivals Departures Real-time flight tracking with one of the best and most accurate ADS-B coverage worldwide.

OB777 (Boliviana de Aviacion) - Live flight status, scheduled flights, flight arrival and departure times, flight tracks and playback, flight route and airport The world’s most popular flight tracker.

and Ob777Departures from the airport of Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas (MAD).

Ob 776

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The data of the flights shown are those available to the system at the time of the request. Times are presented in the current local time at Madrid-Barajas airport.

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Get complete Boliviana de Aviacion flight status online at flightpedia.org. We provide accurate real time flight status like arrivals, departures as well as delay time of all Boliviana de Aviacion flights.

Ob 777

OB5007Barcelona–El Prat Airport (BCN)Madrid Barajas International Airport (MAD)6:35 p.m.8 p.m.321Arrived On time
OB535Tarija Airport (TJA)Cochabamba Airport (CBB)8:25 p.m.9:25 p.m.733Scheduled On time
OB585Sucre Airport (SRE)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)10:50 a.m.11:35 a.m.B733Arrived On time
OB355Yacuiba Airport (BYC)Tarija Airport (TJA)1:55 p.m.2:25 p.m.Scheduled On time
OB524Cochabamba Airport (CBB)Tarija Airport (TJA)9 a.m.10 a.m.B737Arrived On time
OB673Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)2:40 p.m.3:45 p.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB669Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)1:20 p.m.2:25 p.m.B733Scheduled On time
OB677Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)4:50 p.m.5:55 p.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB0662La Paz Airport (LPB)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)6:25 a.m.7:30 a.m.Scheduled On time
OB233Tarija Airport (TJA)Sucre Airport (SRE)3 p.m.3:40 p.m.Scheduled On time
OB613Cochabamba Airport (CBB)La Paz Airport (LPB)2:05 p.m.2:50 p.m.B738Departed On time
OB679Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)6:10 p.m.7:15 p.m.B738Arrived Delayed by 15m
OB683Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)9:10 p.m.10:15 p.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB665Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)9:10 a.m.10:15 a.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB661Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)6:05 a.m.7:10 a.m.B738Arrived On time
OB675Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)4:10 p.m.5:15 p.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB663Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)7:50 a.m.8:55 a.m.B738Arrived On time
OB671Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)La Paz Airport (LPB)12:50 p.m.1:55 p.m.B737Arrived On time
OB638Cochabamba Airport (CBB)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)9:45 a.m.10:35 a.m.B738Scheduled Delayed by 2h 40m
OB646Cochabamba Airport (CBB)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)6 p.m.6:50 p.m.B733Scheduled On time
OB600Cochabamba Airport (CBB)La Paz Airport (LPB)6:05 a.m.6:50 a.m.B738Arrived On time
OB0708Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)Ministro Pistarini International Airport (EZE)9 a.m.1 p.m.Arrived On time
OB670La Paz Airport (LPB)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)1 p.m.2:05 p.m.B738Scheduled On time
OB692La Paz Airport (LPB)Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)7:25 a.m.8:15 a.m.B733Scheduled On time
OB695La Paz Airport (LPB)Cochabamba Airport (CBB)6:55 p.m.7:40 p.m.737Scheduled On time
OB766Viru Viru International Airport (VVI)Miami International Airport (MIA)11 p.m.5 a.m.B763Scheduled On time